Friday, September 24, 2010

Prop 19 is Looking Good!

Proposition 19 has been doing well with a steady 5% lead this year. Prop 19 is a proposition that would change California law to legalize marijuana and allow it to be regulated and taxed.Polls say that 47 percent of the people in California are certain to vote yes while only 42 percent are said to vote no. Even if Prop 19 barely fails this time, the huge age divide means that it is only a matter of a few years before there is a clear voting majority for marijuana legalization in California.

I personally am in favor of Prop 19. Financially, I feel Marijuana would actually bebefit our economy. Medically, it is a great alternative than using perscription drugs. I have a family member would had a medical marijuana card claimed that it soothed the pain instead of just covering it up then hurting twice as bad later. Marijuana is taboo in this country and in many places around the world, but in reality it will do more good than harm if it is legalized.